Future You Program Recordings

The future you program & coaching is designed to help purpose-driven entrepreneurs tap into the opportunity for massive amounts of wealth over the next 10 years within Web 3.0 & Exponential Technologies. It also welcomes you to the world of “Unified Purpose Global”, a social learning marketplace connected to “Unified City”. Through your journey, our goal is to help create world leaders, and for your business survive and thrive through new innovation methods and opportunities.

Future You Program Introduction

This program has been designed to welcome all, and help people transition to our new way of life in the current information technology age.

  • Enjoy the experiences – Social
  • Participate in projects – Parents, Jobs or Investments
  • Build a project & team
  • UPG Leadership partner

UPG Introduction & Meet The Team

In the next video, we will show you more about UPG.Social and Unified City, this video briefly introduces UPG and the initial team delivering the Future You and Web3 Exponential Organization programs. Including:

  • Dan Hendry (The Connectta)
  • Ken Blake (Buckshot)
  • Tony Fawaz (The Outsourcer)
  • Fabrizio Grumuglio (King of Exponentials)

Changing Business & Jobs Landscape

Our old, outdated systems aren’t so relevant to today’s methods to learn and bring a project to life, whether it be a creative project or a business. Here we provide a brief overview of the changed Business & Jobs landscapes and the new methods for you to consider as you utilize your imagination, realize your dreams, and become a leader in your field. 

BOLD: Think Big, Grow Rich, and Make an Impact

Here we look at the links between BOLD (Written by Peter Diamandis & Steven Kotler), and THINK AND GROW RICH (Written by Napoleon Hill). With a deep dive into the key aspects of success with some of the worlds largest business leaders, and how these methods apply to modern entreprenuership in our technology and information driven world.