Joseph Cabey posted an update

I’m SCRiBE, I love to create. I love to create Beats, produce Shows, build Pop Ups, make Art, spit Bars, write Curriculum, perform Comedy and make memories while making money.

The best thing about my life and business is the time i get to spend with my crew, my craft, and my creator. By being engaged in the act of making art, whether it’s a concert, a song, a haircut, a website, etc. I’m able to self reflect and process mental/emotional/spiritual data. Im able to be in communion with my people because we work together and are frequent collaborators. When i get to spend a day working on projects and problems that I find fascinating and challenging it fulfills my deepest aspirations. And what I want most is to be a uniquely useful member of my community, local or remote. I also get a chance to sharpen skills that are fun for me to develop and use in

I’m part of the future you program because I prefer be a part of a group of folks who care about our busineeses enough to want to learn everything we can to keep them thriving growing well into the future. I want to carry on a legacy of education, professionalism, access, innovation, and principled business practices. I thrive on competition and the sense of mutual accountability that exist in a group geared toward self improvement.

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