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Future You NYC
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INTRODUCTIONIntroduction & Program Overview
Commitment to the Program (Clarity Tool)
Future You Events
UPG Road Map & Partnerships
Module 2: MindsetThe Changed Landscape (Spotlight Tool)
Go Big & Create Wealth (The One Big Thing)
Mindset To Design Life (I'm Successful When)
Goal Setting & OKR's (Not To Do List)
Your Mission & Manifesto (7 Levels Deep)
Module 3: BUSINESS 101 & NETWORKINGPurpose & Passion (The Success Loop)
Business Is A Box (Needle Movers)
Knowledge Business (Negotiation Tool)
Growing Your Community (LinkedIn Automation)
Masterminds (The Networking Tool)
Online Marketing 101 (Your Value Ladder)
MODULE 4: EXPONENTIAL BUSINESSIndustry 4.0 & Exponential Growth (Ideas Worth Doing)
Death of the Linear Organization
Exponential Organizations Model
ExO Attributes Explained11 Topics
Building an Exponential Organization3 Topics
MODULE 5: THE SPATIAL WEB (WEB 3.0)Spatial Web Introduction
Spatial Web In Depth Overview
Below are three modules to be completed in order to help you understand the implications of not building an exponential organization in today’s information and technology driven world, then into actionable steps for you to take to start building your exponential organization.
Lesson Content
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