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Future You NYC
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INTRODUCTIONIntroduction & Program Overview
Commitment to the Program (Clarity Tool)
Future You Events
UPG Road Map & Partnerships
Module 2: MindsetThe Changed Landscape (Spotlight Tool)
Go Big & Create Wealth (The One Big Thing)
Mindset To Design Life (I'm Successful When)
Goal Setting & OKR's (Not To Do List)
Your Mission & Manifesto (7 Levels Deep)
Module 3: BUSINESS 101 & NETWORKINGPurpose & Passion (The Success Loop)
Business Is A Box (Needle Movers)
Knowledge Business (Negotiation Tool)
Growing Your Community (LinkedIn Automation)
Masterminds (The Networking Tool)
Online Marketing 101 (Your Value Ladder)
MODULE 4: EXPONENTIAL BUSINESSIndustry 4.0 & Exponential Growth (Ideas Worth Doing)
Death of the Linear Organization
Exponential Organizations Model
ExO Attributes Explained11 Topics
Building an Exponential Organization3 Topics
MODULE 5: THE SPATIAL WEB (WEB 3.0)Spatial Web Introduction
Spatial Web In Depth Overview
Each attribute is explained in the topic sections below
Lesson Content
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